BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

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1. Guffanti A, Banfi S, Borsani G, Simon G
Strategies and Tools for EST Data Mining
Meeting: BIOCOMP 1999 - Year: 1999
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Topic: Bioinformatics
2. Guffanti A, Reid JF, Simon G
The EST Annotation Machine and the Keyword Clustering Machine: web-based resources for preliminary functional characterization of High-Troughput Gene Expression data
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2002 - Year: 2002
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3. Boccia A, Petrillo M, Di Bernardo D, Banfi S, Guffanti A, Pesole G, Paolella G
A tool for storage, automated annotation and analysis of Conserved Sequence Tags (CSTs)
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003
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Topic: Comparative genomics and molecular evolution
4. Guffanti A, Lassandro L, Finocchiaro G, Muller H
The Human - Mouse Promoter Machine at IFOM: a tool for retrieval of orthologous promoter sequences from genome sequence data
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003
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5. Guffanti A, Luzi L, Confalonieri S, Trubia M, Volorio S, Graziani S, Pelicci PG, Di Fiore PP
A bioinformatic strategy for large-scale identification and annotation of chromosomal aberrations in tumors
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Database annotation and data mining
6. Cazzola M, Cremona M, Monti L, Vignati F, Lavorgna G, Taramelli R, Acquati F, Guffanti A
Cancer and antisense transcription: a bioinformatic strategy for the identification of putative antisense-regulated tumor suppressor genes
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
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Topic: Medical Bioinformatics
7. Fabbri M, Guffanti A, Cocito A, Furia L, Fallini R, McBlane F
RSSDB: A database of cryptic recombination signal sequences involved in V(D)J recombination.
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
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Topic: Unspecified
8. Anselmo A, Iacono M, Felice B, Guffanti A, Pesole G
Computational detection of cancer-specific splice sites
Meeting: BITS 2006 - Year: 2006
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Topic: Molecular sequence analysis
9. Rambaldi D, Felice B, Praz V, Bucher P, Guffanti A
Splicy: a web-based tool for the prediction of possible alternative splicing events from Affymetrix probeset data
Meeting: BITS 2006 - Year: 2006
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Topic: Microarray design and data analysis
10. Guffanti A, Iacono M, Pelucchi P, Kim N, Soldà G, Croft LJ, Taft RJ, Rizzi E, Askarian-Amiri M, Bonnal RJP, Callari M, Mignone F, Pesole G, Bertalot G, Bernardi LR, Albertini A, Lee C, Mattick JS, Zucchi I, De Bellis G
A transcriptional sketch of a human breast cancer by 454 deep sequencing
Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009
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Topic: Transcriptomics Gene Expression and Microarray Analysis

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